Gravel Worlds 2016: The Captain's Log

Like Donald Trump's hair, this article needs some explanation. For instance, is it a wig?! Who knows. Is it even possible for a fake piece of hair to be as titillating, debilitating, and arousing as The Donald's fine display? So many questions to ponder about the exquisite nature of his follicles. Oh, sorry. Wrong topic, we're talking about bikes. Although, I hope what you are about to read is as titillating, debilitating, and arousing as The Donald's hair. But let's be honest... can it really be on that level? Gravel Worlds 2016 is a wrap. We've sailed the 7 seas, some conquered, others perished. After spending some time back in port, I've compiled and combined every piece of digital media, that I'm aware of, to put together a comprehensive overview of my Gravel Worlds 2016 experience. Think of it as my Captain's Log Book; my bike is my ship; my riding partners are my crew. Being Ben Fischer, I couldn't take the easy way out. Instead, I com...